
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Banana Semifreddo with Meringue and Caramels


Ok, here's another way to use up leftover bananas. I always seem to have them - especially now that I subscribe to produce boxes. I never really buy bananas, because frankly, I don't eat them unless they're perfectly light yellow with NO brown spots whatsoever. (And that means about a ten-minute window between not ripe enough and way too ripe.)

So. Always on the lookout for things to to with bananas. This one is very yummy - a bit like homemade Ben & Jerry's! Use any candy you want, but I had some chocolate covered caramels and tiny meringues the size of chocolate chips. (If you're using regular meringues, crush them lightly.) Milk chocolate chips would also be very nice.

Banana Semifreddo with Meringue and Caramels
(printable recipe)

4 small bananas
3 egg yolks
100 ml sugar
200 ml cream (heavy, double, whipping - whatever they might call the full-fat stuff where you live)
200 ml meringue drops (or crushed meringue)
160 g chocolate covered caramels, cut into smaller pieces

Mash the bananas, preferrably using a stick blender if you have it.

Beat egg yolks and sugar until fluffy. Fold in the banana. Whip the cream until soft and fluffy, and fold into the banana batter. Add meringue and caramels.

Pour the mixture in a mold - I used a silicone mold, but you can use a regular bread tin if you line it with plastic wrap. Freeze for at least six hours or over night.

Recipe in Swedish:
Banansemifreddo med maräng och gräddkola


  1. Hej Anne

    This looks to die for ...Yummy
    My boys will love this
    Is it a take on B&J 's chunky monkey? Might add some walnuts to your recipe when I try it.
    I usually make Bannana Loaf Cake with brown bannanas...this looks so much more exciting.
    Let you know the verdict
    Tack sa mycket
    Julie x

  2. yum, yum, yum!!! this is going on the must make soon list! i like my banans the same way you do, and this sounds like such a great way to use them up!

  3. Waouw it lokks delicious!

    I love dessert... I make cupcakes if you want to check my link... Don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it! ;)

