
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food for Easter

I rarely cook a whole lot of food for Easter, since we're usually away visiting family. And the same goes for this year. However, I've gotten a few e-mails asking about Swedish Easter food so I thought I'd give you a few links to appropriate dishes.

Now, most Swedes approach Easter eating as they would Christmas or Midsummer: with a Smorgasbord. You'd see several small dishes, beginning with cold ones and then moving on to warmer. Cold dishes always include several sorts of sill, usually gravlax, sometimes smoked salmon or other fish. Always boiled potatoes, and sauces. Some of my recipes are Caviar Sill, Lemon Sill, and a great Dill-Mustard sauce for the gravlax. Also usually present are one of my favorites - hard-boiled egg halves, topped with mayonnaise and boiled shrimp. Delicious! I also included Lena's red onion cheesecake in this round-up - that'd be perfect for an Easter starter.

For warm dishes, I like to have lamb. Try this slow-braised lamb, or some sort of lamb meatballs - I made one kind yesterday, but these with pine nuts are also great. A lot of people eat ham as well - try this coca-cola baked one! A popular side dish is Jansson's Temptation - do try that if you can get your hand on Swedish anchovies.

As for dessert, this is actually a time where a lot of people would serve cake. Something yellow, decorated with marzipan chickens, is popular. I don't have a specific recipe though - I'll attempt something myself this year and get back to you! (Last year I made this one.) Something light would also be nice - this white chocolate mousse with mixed fruits, or a rhubarb mousse perhaps?

If you want to know more about Smorgasbord, I'm giving away a great, great book on the subject - so check back tomorrow!


  1. Hello from Sante fe, New Mexico. I've been reading your blog for about a year and love it!! Thanks for sharing the rhubarb mousse recipe...I'm going to make this as a tart. All the best, Rose

  2. Hej Anne! jag skriver på svenska nu, för tydligen så är vi båda från sverige men har matbloggar på engelska. jag startade min i somras men har precis på sistone kommit igång med att skriva och uppdatera den. Jag har så kul, men eftersom allt är nytt för mig undrar jag lite om hur du gick tillväga för att lära dig hur man lägger upp sin blogg på ett bra sätt o.s.v. Jag skriver min matblog på engelska för att jag har familj i usa - vill att de ska kunna hänga med i mitt liv och vad som händer. Vill du berätta lite så får du gärna skick till min hotmail:

    (provade dina sega portionsbröd med surdeg nyligen och älskade dem! jag gillar din blogg och du har varit en del av min inspiration!)

    hälsningar karin

  3. sounds great to me! my family ate a lot of swedish inspired food and i love pickled herring, or sill. i never knew it was called sill! i am curious about the egg dish, just mayonnaise with small shrimp on a hard boiled egg half? i am reminded of deviled eggs, a very popular holiday food here in the USA. but that's removing the yolks and mixing them with mayo and mustard and then refilling the whites of the egg. the addition of shrimp sounds really yummy!!

  4. What a great list! Thanks so much for the ideas... :)

  5. Rose, that would be a great idea!

    Karin - vad roligt, nu är jag nyfiken på var bloggen finns så jag mailar dig.

    Puglette - yes, just a few shrimp on top, and maybe a little sprig of dill! I love them just like that, but some people prefer to have bleak roe on top instead of the shrimp. Another version is to toss the shrimp with the mayo first, making a sort of shrimp salad, the placing that on top of the eggs. But we rarely do deviled eggs - which reminds me that I really want to try that myself :)

  6. Thanks for putting some links up! I love your blog :)
    -Lisa (u.s.a)

  7. Lamb for Easter is always a classic. And I'm loving the notion of that red onion cheesecake!
