
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Don't mind the mess...

The blog might look a bit different for a few days. I'm doing a slight redesign, and although I'll keep the main elements, I *am* switching over to "new" blogger - a few years after everyone else did!

This makes widgets a lot easier, so this is your time to wish - what functions would you like to see here? Things that are certain:

- the recipe index will stay, and look like it does now
- I'll add a left-hand column, to separate links and recipes
- I'll add labels to my posts, so that it's easier to search for categories other than the ones in the index (or at least that's the idea, I hope it will work)

Other than that.. I'm open to suggestions! So, bring them on! And I hope that I'll get everything up and working fairly soon, but in the meantime, don't mind the mess! :)


  1. A photo album of delicious things you've made...or, tips on using/handling certain kitchen gadgets and a 'what seemed to work best for you' section. sometimes recipes have worked for one person and not for another and tips on doing things differently (if you had to make any alterations) would definitely help! but maybe all of this is somehow included in your blog already...?

  2. I'm confused... Do you mean that you're switching blog tool/platform?

    Otherwise I don't many complaints, the site is awesome as it is!

  3. Mithu - thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely keep them in mind!

    Rebecca -no, but I am switching to the "new" blogger which works a little bit differently. Mostly in that it's easier to add widgets. I'll be working with three columns, if all works out, and I'll be able to post slightly larger photos.
