
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chocolate Mint Macarons


Certainly not my prettiest macarons to date, but they were still tasty. I used un-aged egg whites this time, and maybe because of that the batter was runnier than usual. (I also used unpeeled almonds due to extreme laziness but I don't think that affected the texture - just the appearance.) Hence, the macarons turned out bigger and flatter. I should have adjusted the oven time, but as it was, I over-baked them slightly. And the feet - well, they are just big and ugly.

However, even ugly macarons taste good. Especially when they're filled with mint-chocolate ganache. Super simple by the way - chop 200 g of dark chocolate, mix with 100 ml of boiling cream and a few drops of peppermint extract. Stir until smooth and wait for it to cool and thicken before filling the macs.

For a lot prettier macarons, check out this round-up over at MacTweets!


  1. De var väl inte fula, jag tycker de var fina och ser goda ut!

  2. They might not be up to your usual macaron-standard, but at least they have the smooth surface which I can never seem to achieve.

  3. These seem so delicious I think you just might have convinced me to make my 2nd ever batch of macarons. I didn't like them when I made them the 1st time, but Chocolate Mint-anything has my mouth watering!
    However, can I substitute the almonds for some other nut, or something else completely as I am not a big fan of ground almonds/nuts....
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Angelica - sorry, I don't know of a good substitute. I've tried substituting half the almonds with pistachios and that worked well. I've tried coconut too and that didn't work at all.
