I'm visiting my sister for a few days. She has the coolest home, filled with colorful accents and smart solutions. I had to show you her dining room table - so innovative! You might think its just a table runner but no - she's actually painted the midsection!
And she's feeding me well. Yesterday, a delicious pasta sauce with broccoli and peanuts, and tonight a pie with more broccoli and sweet potato. And we made tiny macarons!
Very cool table! (and I love the mix of cups ad tea pot too) but do tell how she painted the table? Is it a stencil or???
Also, a big hurra for having lovely sisters! My sister is married to a chef and she is quite the cook so I never hesitate to stay over.
Karin, I'm pretty sure she used an old lace table runner, that she spray-painted over! Very creative idea, and it really looks neat in person. I had to look closely - at first it looked like it was actual fabric.
Very nicely done. How sweet would that be for a night stand bedside dresser? Maybe you and your sister should start a craft blog together? You know in all your spare time ( ;
Karin, she totally should! She's so crafty, really talented. She used to have one, actually... I'll bring it up. :)
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