Big disappointment tonight. Per was going to make me pancakes, which is a huge deal since it almost never happens and it's one of the things I just can't make myself - it always goes wrong. Apparently my inability has rubbed off, because his pancakes were completely disastrous, too. Boo-hoo. So, no pancakes. And I had to settle for a frozen hamburger and spaghetti with ketchup. See, I don't eat gourmet food every day.
Anyway. Still lots, lots, lots of snow. The sign is in our yard, and says "We love snow!" and it has been mocking us since early December now. But now, we sure have snow.
My favorite, no fail, tastes great, pancake recipe is Alton Brown's. You can find it here:,,FOOD_9936_13660,00.html
Jäklar vad snö ja! Tre decimeter! Men fint blev det, ljusare om inte annat.
Jag köpte en jättebra teflonpanna och efter det har mina pannkakor blivit jättebra. Snart kan jag vända dom i luften.
Dustin, thank you! I'll try those sometime. Those kind of pancakes seem to agree with me though, but Swedish pancakes are large and thin, and sadly, difficult to make. For me, at least. :)
Jessica - jag fattar inte, vi har helt okej stekpannor. Men nä, idag blev det bara.. haha, pannkaka av alltihop. Eller snarare ingen pannkaka. Ska se om vi har tid att experimentera ordentligt i helgen, jag har fått en del tips på ett matforum så nu har jag många recept att testa :)
Vilken underbar skylt! En sådan skulle man ha...
Jag vill passa på att tacka för många fina recept, brukar titta in här rätt ofta.
Anne, I use 2 different sized cast-iron frypans - cook first side in smaller one & flip into the bigger one. And use only butter.
Can't make pancakes either, so I have outsourced this to my wife.
But I have snow - tons of it. And now I have to take care of two wet boys. They just came in through the door, and I suspect they are soaking wet.
Skulle gissa att det har med temperaturen att gora. For svalt=geggig massa. Man kan anvanda teflonpanna men da far man sanka varmen rejalt efter de 2-3 forsta. Gjutjarn ar mer stabilt och lattare att hantera temperatur-wise.
Looks like your snowman sign is getting it's fair share of snow! Hope you are staying warm and hope you get your pancakes soon.
Once I messed up pancakes and we ended up eating scrambled pancakes instead. It all tastes the same!
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