Monday, June 14, 2010

Cashew Chicken


Yes, not my best photographic effort, I know. It's blurry. Oh well. The food was good - do try to make it! (And I will take a better photo next time.)

Cashew Chicken
(printable recipe)
serves 2

2 small chicken breasts
3 garlic cloves
6 scallions
100 ml cashews, unsalted
2 tbsp rice vinegar
100 ml water
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
4 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp peanut oil
salt, pepper

Prepare all ingredients: cut the chicken into smaller pieces. Mince the garlic. Cut the scallions into 2-3 cm long pieces, and keep the white and greens separate for now. Toast the cashews in a dry pan.

Heat the peanut oil in a wok or large frying pan. Fry the chicken with salt and pepper on high heat for about a minute. Add the garlic and the white scallion parts, and fry for three minutes while stirring. Add the rice vinegar and lower the heat to medium. When it's mostly reduced - after a minute or so - add water, soy and hoisin sauce. Cook for another minute, at which point the chicken should be cooked through. Stir in sesame oil, cashew and the green scallions, and serve straight away over rice.

Recipe in Swedish:
Kyckling med cashewnötter


Courtney said...

well this is now on my list, it goes great with my Chinese food craving!! i think the photo looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

We had this for dinner tonight...YUMMY!!!! the only things I added were cilantro (because I love it in anything stir fry) and some sugar snap peas I had in the fridge and needed to use up. Really, really good...will be making it again soon. Kate

dining room table said...

This is pretty interesting to me. This is the first time that I saw a dish like this.

Pene said...

I think cashew nuts go well with chicken with baked sweet potato. Yum! Have a good week, Anne.

Micah | Coffee Machines said...

Thank you for all the great posts! This one is explicit. I look forward to reading more interesting topics.

kitchen roach/galley roach said...

looks delicious....

D. @ Outside Oslo said...

Food photography can be so difficult sometimes. For one, if one's cooking in the evening, natural light is out of the question. Also, sometimes it's just not practical to wait to eat until the perfect photo is composed!

Sanand said...

Good recipe, it also seems to have an Asian touch to it.

Anjelina said...

good one, to have an asian taste try this recipe out chicken made in cashew gravy. really tasty, , happy cooking.

Damian - Coffee Beans said...

What a pretty dish you presents, very tempting!

Sarah in NS said...

I used this recipe except I doubled the amount of sauce and added lots of fresh vegetables.

It was a hit at my house, big Thai fans.